Safely Returning to Exercise: A Journey for All Mums

Motherhood is a transformative journey, and as mums, I understand that the postnatal period extends far beyond the initial weeks after childbirth. No matter how old our babies are, we remain postnatal, and it is crucial to prioritise our well-being as we navigate the challenges of motherhood. Returning to exercise safely can be an empowering step, benefiting both our physical and mental health. In this article, we'll explore the importance of working with a MumSafe trainer and joining a community like Mums Run the World Fitness and Wellness Centre to ensure a safe and supportive journey back to fitness.


Embracing the Postnatal Identity

Being postnatal isn't something to be ashamed of; it's a beautiful reminder of the incredible journey we've embarked on as mothers. Acknowledging our postnatal status allows us to approach fitness with a realistic mindset, understanding that our bodies have undergone significant changes during pregnancy and childbirth. As we strive for our fitness goals, it's vital to be kind to ourselves and prioritise safety over rapid progress.


Where to Start

 Safely returning to exercising with body weight exercises and pram walking can be a great way for postnatal mums to ease back into fitness while incorporating their babies into the routine. However, it's essential to be mindful of certain key aspects to ensure a safe and effective workout. 

When engaging in body weight exercises, focus on rebuilding core strength gradually and avoid any high-impact movements that may strain the pelvic floor or abdominal muscles. Start with gentle exercises like pelvic tilts, glute bridges, and modified planks, gradually progressing to more challenging movements as you feel stronger. Listen to your body and avoid pushing yourself too hard, especially if you experience any discomfort or pain.

Pram walking is an excellent low-impact exercise option, but it's crucial to maintain proper posture and body mechanics while pushing the pram. Ensure that the pram handles are at a comfortable height to avoid hunching over and straining your back. Engage your core muscles as you walk and take longer strides to activate the glutes and hamstrings effectively. Vary your walking routes to challenge different muscle groups and keep the exercise interesting for both you and your baby.

Before starting any postnatal exercise program, consult with a healthcare professional and a MumSafe trainer to ensure that your body is ready for physical activity after childbirth.


The Benefits of MumSafe Trainers

Working with a MumSafe trainer can be a game-changer for postnatal mums looking to resume exercise. These trainers are certified professionals with specialised knowledge in postnatal fitness, enabling them to design safe and effective workout routines tailored to each mum's unique needs and abilities.

1. Expert Guidance: MumSafe trainers understand the physical changes that occur during pregnancy and childbirth. With their expertise, they can guide mums through exercises that promote healing, strengthen the core, and improve overall fitness levels. Each mum's postnatal journey is different, and a MumSafe trainer will personalise exercises based on factors like the type of delivery, diastasis recti, pelvic floor issues, and fitness levels. This individualised approach minimises the risk of injury and ensures steady progress.

2. Work in Partnership with a WHP: As MumSafe trainer, we prioritise the safety and well-being of every mum by working in collaboration with a Women's Health Physiotherapist (WHP). This partnership ensures that each mum receives the necessary support and guidance tailored to her specific postnatal needs.

3. Focus on Core and Pelvic Health: Postnatal mums need specific attention to their core and pelvic floor muscles. MumSafe trainers incorporate exercises that restore these areas' strength and function, promoting long-term well-being.

Find Your Fitness Community:

As a postnatal mum, finding a fitness community like Mums Run the World Fitness and Wellness Centre can be a transformative step in your wellness journey.  Community-oriented Fitness groups go beyond being just a place to exercise; it becomes a place where you are embraced and understood throughout your motherhood and fitness experience.

Celebration of Victories: In these communities, your accomplishments, no matter how small, are celebrated. Whether it's your first successful plank or hitting a personal fitness milestone, you'll have cheerleaders by your side, motivating you to keep going.

Empathy for Struggles: Motherhood can be overwhelming at times, and your fitness community becomes a safe space to share your struggles without judgment. Knowing that you're not alone in facing challenges can be incredibly reassuring. Groups like Mums Run the World allow you the option to exercise with or without your baby to help work around what you need.

Continuous Support: Throughout your fitness journey, the support from fellow mums in the community is unwavering. On days when motivation is low, the encouragement from others will inspire you to stay committed to your goals.

Enhanced Accountability: When you're part of a fitness community, you become accountable not just to yourself but also to your newfound friends. This added sense of responsibility can help you stay on track with your exercise routines and healthy habits.

Shared Learning and Growth: Within the fitness community, you'll find a wealth of knowledge and experiences to learn from. Whether it's about fitness techniques, nutritional tips, or managing the demands of motherhood, the collective wisdom of the community enriches your journey.

Returning to exercise as a postnatal mum is a beautiful journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and well-being. Embrace your postnatal identity and remember that progress is a gradual process. Working with a MumSafe trainer ensures that your fitness journey is safe and effective, tailored to your specific needs. Additionally, joining a supportive community like Mums Run the World Fitness and Wellness Centre offers a nurturing space for mums to thrive physically and mentally. Remember, you are not alone in this journey; we are all in it together.


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